Quantum Sandbox at the Spark Digital Immersion Gallery
NOV. 23, 2024 - SEP. 2, 2025


Get subatomic in an immersive pixel playground!

Play with pixels in Quantum Sandbox, now leveled up in Spark’s Digital Immersion Gallery!  

Immerse yourself in a vivid realm where colour, energy, and sound come alive around you.

Rediscover five core principles of quantum physics, now with a new addition: Entanglement. Explore this endless playground where science and art meet, with each visit offering a fresh journey through landscapes shifting with light, time, and motion.

Explore these five principles:

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

A world in constant flux.

Wave-Particle Duality

Waves and particles exist at once.

Higgs Field

A field of energy used by the Higgs Boson particle to interact with every other particle.

Bose-Einstein Condensate

The state of matter where separate atoms coalesce into one.

Emission Spectrum

The limits of human interpretation.


The invisible link that connects everything.

In Blackfoot Knowledges, humans, rocks and stars, consist of the same changing energy with frequencies that connect all. These interconnections of energy/spirit are the Flux, the song of life.

The Iniskim Umappi reveals a deep relationship between Land and Sky, acknowledged by marking seasonal positions of the rising, setting, and alignments of the sun, moon, and significant stars. These celestial markings reflect the natural cyclic variations of the Earth’s orbit, which confirmed and deepened Blackfoot understandings of the Flux.

Leroy Little Bear (Kainai) & Rob Cardinal (Siksika)


    • How long is the experience?

      This experience is a continuous loop approximately 25 minutes long. It can be entered and exited at any point.

    • How much are tickets?

      Quantum Sandbox is included in general admission to Spark and free for members! General admission provides access to the whole science centre. That includes two stories of exhibit halls, two theatres and live happenings on any given day!

    • Are food and drinks allowed inside Quantum Sandbox?

      Food and drinks are not allowed in this experience. Enjoy delicious goodies in the Spark Eatery on the second floor or Astronaut Ice Cream cafe near the front lobby!

    • Who is this experience suitable for?

      Suitable for people of all ages. Some people may find this experience disorienting.



      Quantum Sandbox

      Produced by

      TELUS Spark Science Center

      In Partnership With

      Supply & Demand

      Co-Creation by

      Eden Creative Studio

      Scientific Consultants

      Dr. Leroy Little Bear (Kainai)

      Rob Cardinal (Siksika)

      Dr. Erika Janitz

      Dr. Barry Sanders

      Narration By

      Harvine Little Chief (Siksika)


      Sorrel Rider (Siksika)

      Song for ‘Entanglement’ gifted by the boys

      Hal Eagletail (Tsuut’ina)

      Cherokee Eagletail (Tsuut’ina)

      Tristen Eagletail (Tsuut’ina)

      Alex Scalplock (Siksika)

      Chief Crowfoot School Little Warriors Drummers

      Dallas Arcand Jr (Cree)

      Telus Spark Science Center Team

      Manager, Indigenous Science

      Kori Czuy

      Creative Experience Manager

      Lowell Smidteboom

      Specialist, Creative Experience

      Kat Dornian

      Manager, School Science Connections

      Jen Duffy

      Manager, Marketing & Graphic Design

      Eirin Bernie

      Science Guide, Daily Operations (Video Production)

      Calvin D'Silva

      Production Technician, AV

      Gary Trithart

      Christina Milinusic

      Alixa Dales

      Specialist, Marketing & Graphic Design

      Frey Gander

      Specialist, Indigenous Science Connections

      Alex Flett

      Original Quantum Project Team

      Pamela Todd

      Angela Stinson

      Kori Czuy

      Mary Anne Moser

      Angela Stinson

      Supply & Demand Studio Team

      Executive Producer

      Olivier Goulet

      Creative Director

      Rémi Lapointe

      Stefan Miljevic

      Interactive Design

      Jérôme Delapierre

      Raphaël Dupont

      Visual Design

      Jérôme Delapierre

      Raphael Dupont

      Olivier Goulet

      Etienne Cantin

      Stefan Miljevic

      Music composer & Sound effects

      Maxim Lepage

      Interactive sound effects

      Romain Constant


      Supply & Demand

      Sound Designer

      Robert (Bob) Levac

      Script Editor

      Stéphanie Jolicoeur

      Content Production

      Alexandre Lucenet

      Content Producer

      Christelle Bellini

      Frédéric Mathieu

      Etienne Cantin

      Olivier Goulet

      Graphic Designer

      Philippe C. Gariépy (Ros-B)


      Martin Pelletier

      Interactive Programmation and Integration

      Jérôme Delapierre

      Raphael Dupont

      Julien Robert


      Dominic Lavigne

      Tyler Scollon

      Production Coordinator

      Gabrièle Côté-Lebreux

      Ariane Legault

      Production Director

      Alexe Mercille-Gagné

      Project Manager

      Mirek Hamet

      Technical Director and Projection System Designer

      Francis Corbeil

      Technical Direction

      Olivier Rosa

      Technical System Designer and Installation Supervisor

      Robert (Bob) Levac

      Technical System Designer

      Louis-Pierre Morin

      Saël Simard

      It Tech

      Youri Galas


      33 Degrès

      Acmé Decors

      Scenic Project Manager

      Eric Boudreault

      Modular Exhibit System

      Supply & Demand


      Black Cab Productions inc.

      This show was Inspired by "Cymatic Quantum" and original idea by Romain Constant in collaboration with Raphael Dupont


      Eden Creative Studio

      ACMÉ Decorr






      Private Eye

      Press & Post

      The Modular Exhibit System Behind the Digital immersion gallery is an original product from SUPPLY & DEMAND Studio


Come play with pixels!

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