Where We Gather

Where We Gather

Where We Gather

The Spark Gathering Circle has been in-the-making with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Indigenous Community Members since January 2022. The intention was to create an outdoor space where community can gather, in connection with the Land, Cosmos, and Ancestors, to learn, teach, and grow.

Through various ceremonies, gatherings, and with the guidance of Casey Eagle Speaker (Kainai), Hal Eagletail (Tsuut’ina), Pam Beebe (Kainai), Tessa Wolfleg (Siksika), Doreen Bergum (Métis), Rod Hunter (Îethka Nakoda), Alice Kaquitts (Îethka Nakoda), Diana Melting Tallow (Siksika), and Rob Cardinal (Siksika), “Where We Gather” was created.

Protocols of reciprocity and respect were followed throughout the creation of “Where We Gather,” liaised between Indigenous Community and Kori Czuy (Manager, Indigenous Science Connections).

  • The Footprints

Guide You To The Circle

Follow the buffalo and human footprints from the Brainasium Outdoor Park doors and learn about the history of these lands. Look for the puppy and wolfdog prints, representing "the dog days", then the horse prints, representing "the horse days". But soon, boot prints replace moccasins, signifying the erosion of Indigenous Culture due to colonization. The child's prints are removed, representing the children taken to residential schools. But amidst the darkness, a single Sasquatch footprint emerges, a symbol of honesty, and Truth and Reconciliation. Hope returns alongside the footprints of the buffalo, puppy, and children.

  • The Rocks

Sky Science

The rocks are significant in the circle, each colourful rock represents a star, cluster of stars, or the sun, and their location during the Solstices or Equinoxes. There are different stories between communities about this star map, and what each star/cluster represents; with their locations at specific celestial times often guiding practices of planting, harvesting, hunting, or ceremonies.

  • The Firepit

The Spark Of Creation

This space is centered around a firepit, representing creation, connection, and spirit. The four elements converge here, bringing together stories, people, and teachings.

  • The Medicine Garden

Plant Ancestors Live Here

Surrounding the circle is a medicine garden, with carefully chosen native plants, all easily accessible and recognizable, but with deep stories, medicinal qualities, and uses to local Indigenous communities.

Plant Ancestors making the Gathering Circle home include: Saskatoon Berry, Choke Cherry, Goldenrod, Bergamot, Strawberry, Wild Rose, Kinnikinik, Red Willow (Red Osier Dogwood), and Yarrow.

Spark is grateful to the peoples who have been caretakers and stewards of this land, allowing us to thrive on this land today, where many cultures and Indigenous people from across Turtle Island, live together in peace and respect.

Land Acknowledgement