- ᒥᐦᑯᐱᐦᐁᓯᐤ
- Kori Czuy
Manager, Indigenous Science Connections
Kori Czuy, ᒥᐦᑯᐱᐦᐁᓯᐤ, is Cree/Métis Polish, and was born in Treaty 8 by the banks of the Peace River. She is the Manager, Indigenous Engagement at the Spark Science Centre, focusing on bringing together multiple ways of knowing science. Kori is on an ongoing journey to reconnect with and learn from the knowings of the land, as well as helping others connect with the complexities of these knowings alongside Western science.
Her PhD is in storying mathematics; through her research she worked with children and Treaty 7 Elders to explore the depth of mathematics within Indigenous stories.