Grades K-3 Science Programs

School Programs

The learning possibilities are boundless!

Ready to spark some science? Book online for each program using the school Booking Form. Booking Form

Grades K-3 Programs


Math in Motion: Kindergarten

K Numbers, Shapes, Patterns & Relations

Explore numbers, shapes and patterns using creativity and dance! Spark and Decidedly Jazz Danceworks have teamed up to create a unique learning experience for young mathematicians-in-training. Available Thursdays at 10:00 and 11:30 AM.

$285 | 60 minutes | Movement

  • GRADES K-1

A Place Called Home

KES: Environments can be explored and wondered about.
1ES: The responsibility to care for the environment is shared by all people and is fulfilled by showing respect for and protecting all aspects of nature.
1LS: Plants and animals require environments that allow them to meet their needs.

In this outdoor lesson, students notice the animals/plants around them, think about the needs of living things, gain empathy in their interactions with them, and are challenged to create and play using large natural objects. Available May-June.

$285 | 60 minutes | Outdoor

  • GRADES K–1

A Delightful Mix

KM: Explore properties of various objects using one or more of the five senses.
1M: Explore actions that physically change properties of various objects.
1SM: Make observations using various senses.

Students will roll up their sleeves and step into the delightful world of chemistry – investigating the characteristics and properties of matter through experiments, and using their senses and lab tools to experience some surprising chemical reactions!

$285 | 60 minutes | Lab

  • GRADES 1-2

A Perfect First Try

1M: Students analyze the properties of objects and investigate how they can be changed.
2M: Students investigate properties of materials and relate them to a purpose.

Students explore an important aspect of science and innovation – failure – while working together to test out the suitability of different materials, manipulate them in different ways and build their own creation.

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

  • GRADES 1-2

Math in Motion: Shapes and Patterns

1-2 Numbers, Shapes, Patterns & Relations

In this workshop, explore patterns, shapes and number manipulation through movement, facilitated by a skilled expert from Decidedly Jazz Danceworks – observing all the shapes they can create with their body and patterns through their movement. Available Thursdays at 10:00 and 11:30 AM.

$285 | 60 minutes | Movement

  • GRADE 2

Surf the Lightwave

2E: Light behaves in various ways

2CS: Instructions are designed using creativity and problem solving, which can be enhanced through collaboration.

Get ready to take Jamie, Spark’s LEGO® mini-figure, on a surfing adventure across the rainbow! Students will collaboratively and creatively code them to ride through reflected, refracted and dispersed light, with some science and math surprises along the way.

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

  • GRADE 2

Looks Like Science

2E: Conduct an investigation to determine how the path of light can be affected.

Light is everywhere, an essential part of life, yet it often behaves in ways that are unexpected. Experimenting with the electromagnetic spectrum, students will explore the light we see and the light we cannot see. By moving light, manipulating it, reflecting it, and refracting it students will begin to see light in a whole new way. Prepare to be illuminated!

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

  • GRADES 2-3

Follow Your Curiosity

2ES: Students investigate Earth, its landforms, its bodies of water, and its relationship to the Sun.
3ES: Students analyze changes in Earth’s surface and explain how its layers hold stories of the past.

Using past robotic space missions, search for the conditions needed for life on Mars! Throughout the live show, students will analyze Martian surface geology and its watery distant past, and make connections between the history of both Mars and Earth! Available Monday to Thursday at 9:45 AM and 1:00 PM. Multiple schools may be booked in the same timeslot.

$285 | 50 minutes | Live Dome Show

  • GRADE 3

Lab Matters

3M: Conduct an investigation to demonstrate changes of state.

3SM: Techniques that can be used to improve the accuracy of data include choosing appropriate tools, carefully measuring, and demonstrating objectivity.

Students transform into chemists and materials scientists, exploring the properties of matter in a real-life lab setting! Gaining valuable skills in lab safety, research and recording hypotheses and observations. Note: close-toed shoes and the ability to pull hair back are key!

$285 | 60 minutes | Lab

  • GRADE 3

Vector Wonderland

3E: Conduct investigations to demonstrate the effects of forces on the movement of objects.

3CS: Computational thinking is a problem-solving process that uses creativity.

Explore the magnitude and direction of forces while building and programming a LEGO® amusement park! Students will collaborate as they learn about sequences and pattern recognition in code, and will innovate and debug their amusement park ride to make it more inclusive for all.

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

  • GRADE 3

Tales Beneath Your Feet

3ES Examine how layers of Earth’s surface hold information about the past.

The incredible geological history of Alberta includes ice, rivers, mountains, deserts and the wild and weird animals that inhabited it! Students will interact with fossils and various materials to create a story of changing landscapes through time, building their own model landscapes and interpreting the history they represent.

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

  • GRADE 3

Use the Forces

3E: Students investigate and explain how forces affect the movement of objects.

Students explore the contact forces that surround us through the design and creation of unique marble runs. Equipped with giant peg boards, a variety of tracks, magnets and simple machines, your class gets to investigate the power of physics in a real-world context.

$285 | 60 minutes | Workshop

Book online for each program with the school Booking Form or call us at 403-817-6800 if you have any questions.

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