Indigenous ways of knowing say that everything is made of and is connected by energy (humans, water, rock, etc.) – neither a wave or a particle, but waves of energy referred to as spirit.
LEARN MOREImmerse yourself in a vivid realm where colour, energy, and sound come alive around you.
Rediscover five core principles of quantum physics, now with a new addition: Entanglement. Explore this endless playground where science and art meet, with each visit offering a fresh journey through landscapes shifting with light, time, and motion.
Explore these five principles:
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
A world in constant flux.
Wave-Particle Duality
Waves and particles exist at once.
Higgs Field
A field of energy used by the Higgs Boson particle to interact with every other particle.
Bose-Einstein Condensate
The state of matter where separate atoms coalesce into one.
Emission Spectrum
The limits of human interpretation.
The invisible link that connects everything.
In Blackfoot Knowledges, humans, rocks and stars, consist of the same changing energy with frequencies that connect all. These interconnections of energy/spirit are the Flux, the song of life.
The Iniskim Umappi reveals a deep relationship between Land and Sky, acknowledged by marking seasonal positions of the rising, setting, and alignments of the sun, moon, and significant stars. These celestial markings reflect the natural cyclic variations of the Earth’s orbit, which confirmed and deepened Blackfoot understandings of the Flux.
Leroy Little Bear (Kainai) & Rob Cardinal (Siksika)