Quantum and Indigenous Science: Healing & Connection with Dr. Leroy Little Bear & Wilfred Buck
FEB. 1, 2025 | 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Healing and Connection through Quantum and the Cosmos

An evening with Wilfred Buck and Dr. Leroy Little Bear, featuring a free screening of the film Wilfred Buck and experiential Blackfoot physics storytelling in the next level of Quantum Sandbox.

Update: The event is now at capacity.

Come learn from revered Indigenous Science Knowledge Keepers Dr. Leroy Little Bear (Kainai Nation) and Wilfred Buck (Opaskwayak Cree Nation).

Learn through teachings presented in the film Wilfred Buck and the immersive digital experience, ‘Quantum Sandbox’.

Play with quantum pixels while learning from Leroy about the connections between ceremony and the Quantum emmision spectra. Watch the critically acclaimed film 'Wilfred Buck' about his journey of reconnecting with himself and his culture through the stars, then ask Wilfred Buck questions about star stories, physics and more.

Bring an open mind and heart to learn about healing, Indigenous Science, and Blackfoot quantum physics.

UPDATE: The event is now at capacity.

Event FAQ:

  • This event is FREE to the public but does require pre-booked tickets online. Tickets are limited and first come first serve.
  • The science centre is not open during this event. Guests will experience both talks together and are limited to the spaces where the speakers are sharing their knowledge and stories.
  • Astronaut Ice Cream café will be open for the event to purchase non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.
  • Seating in the Digital Immersion Gallery will prioritize Elders and Knowledge Keepers.
  • Parking is Free for this event and a code will be sent out to all attendees that book a ticket online.
  • Please be respectful of oral tradition, no pictures or videos​.


  • Exclusive Screening

Wilfred Buck

Moving between earth and stars, past and present, this rollicking hybrid documentary follows the extraordinary life of Wilfred Buck, who overcame a harrowing history by reclaiming ancestral star knowledge.



Rediscover five core principles of quantum physics, now with a new addition: Entanglement: Explore this endless playground where science and art meet, with each visit offering a fresh journey through landscapes shifting with light, time, and motion.

Quantum Entanglement

Time and space creates an illusion that everything is separate from everything else; to the western mind, they are the “thing” over there. In Indigenous thought, that “thing over there” is a part of us, like family.

Nothing is static, nothing is disconnected, all is related, from sun, to moon, to earth, all created from the same elementary particles and interconnected through spirit.

In ceremony, we become spiritually and energetically entangled, from every interaction to every intention, prayer, and song. The drumming and singing entangles everything around it-bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits all move in unison. If you can hear the river, the river can hear you.

Leroy Little Bear (Kainai Nation) & Rob Cardinal (Siksika Nation)


Ticket reservations are strongly recommended as capacity is limited.

Admission: Free to the public - Limited tickets available.

UPDATE: The event is now at capacity.

Indigenous Engagement Fund

You can donate by choosing Indigenous Engagement fund from the dropdown menu on the donate page.

Donate Here

The Gathering Circle

In partnership with the Spark Indigenous Advisory Circle and the Indigenous community, a new Gathering Circle is being built in the Brainasium outdoor Park, as a place to gather and share stories.

The Brainasium