Community Requests

Collaborate With Us

Have a project, program, event, or idea that could benefit from collaboration with TELUS Spark Science Centre? Is your work or organization closely tied to TELUS Spark Science Centre's Mission, Vision and Values? Let's connect!

At the science centre, we regularly collaborate with organizations to help share incredible innovations and creative endeavours impacting Southern Albertans.

Please complete the form below, with at least 8 weeks advance notice, and we will be in touch to discuss the opportunity. Before submitting your inquiry, please keep in mind:

We can only accommodate a limited number of events per year, impacted by the season and conflicting events

As a not for profit organization, we have a limited capacity for assisting in external program or event development

We may request further information and any relevant photos of similar events/activities you’ve done

Phone Number
Email Address
Primary Contact Name
Website (if applicable)
Have you worked with Spark previously?
If so, who was your previous Spark contact?
Describe your proposed program or event.
What type of experience would you like to bring to Spark?
If other, please specify
What are the key highlights to your proposed event or program?
How does this event support your organization?
How do you envision TELUS Spark's involvement in your event?
Which audience would
Preferred date for your event
Is your date flexible?
Length of your event
Set up/ take down requirements
What type of space would you require?
If other, please specify
Have you done this type of event before? What was the outcome?
How will you promote this event?
What are the safety risks for this event - for both yourself and TELUS Spark visitors?
What questions do you have for TELUS Spark staff?